Random Generation Done Right

We can design better randomly generated spaces in games. Here’s how.

What Makes a Good Quest Designer?

I was recently asked the question, “What makes a good quest designer?” I’ve got a lot of experience in quest design, but I had never sat down and actually thought about what skills or traits made me good at what I do. After thinking about it for a bit, I came up with an answer:Continue reading “What Makes a Good Quest Designer?”

Creativity Tips

A few months ago, a friend asked me for tips on being creative. We ended up talking for a few hours about the whole creative process from start to finish, and some of the ideas that we bounced back and forth were great tidbits of information that I hadn’t really thought too much about before.Continue reading “Creativity Tips”

Postmortem: The Lost Ziggurat of Nephthys

In case you haven’t been following along, The Lost Ziggurat of Nephthys is a 2D platformer that focuses on a grapple hook mechanic that I developed for a game jam with some friends – The Megaman Game Jam. I’m constantly looking for ways to growth as a developer and learn from my mistakes, so IContinue reading “Postmortem: The Lost Ziggurat of Nephthys”

Megaman Game Jam Submissions

We made it to the end of the first ever Megaman Game Jam! Here are the games that were submitted. Shots in the Dark Created by Scout Clithero. Description: A game of social deduction. The Lost Ziggurat of Nephthys Created by Paul Kankiewicz (That’s me!). Description: A 2D roguelike platformer where the player explores aContinue reading “Megaman Game Jam Submissions”

Megaman Game Jam Progress: Week 2

With a second week down, the Megaman Game Jam is already halfway over. Here’s my progress so far: The main things I did this week were adding several traps, creating two levels (Plus a few temp ones), randomizing which level the player gets loaded into when they go through a door, and lots of tuning.Continue reading “Megaman Game Jam Progress: Week 2”

Megaman Game Jam Progress: Week 1

For the past week, I’ve been working hard on developing a game for the Megaman Game Jam. Here’s my progress after 1 week. I’ve mostly been working on the main platforming mechanics so far, so I hope to spend more time developing the game into something bigger in the coming weeks.

Megaman Game Jam

I have a lot of game developer friends. After talking to some of them, we decided it would be fun to challenge each other to a game jam. Thus was born the Megaman Game Jam! Rules:1) Time limit: 1 month. Game submissions are due on July 15, 2021 at 11:59 PM PST. This long timelineContinue reading “Megaman Game Jam”

What Does a Game Designer Do?

“What does a Game Designer do?” This is a question I get asked a lot. I often jump into the technical details and my day-to-day responsibilities, but that all too often seems to go over the heads of my audience, leaving them just as clueless as to what it is I actually do as theyContinue reading “What Does a Game Designer Do?”

Open Ocean Postmortem

In case you didn’t know, I’m part of a podcast called 37% Unplayed.  37% Unplayed episodes talk about video games and game design in a similar format to book clubs.  Our latest episode was a postmortem on the indie game I made, Open Ocean.  Check it out! http://37percent-unplayed.blubrry.net/2019/07/01/open-ocean-postmortem/